Monday, October 25, 2010

Main Street, USA

It's one of the first things you see as you enter the park and pass under the train station.  It is modeled after iconic America at the turn of the century.  Here you can find shopping, dining, photo opportunities and even the chance to ride in a horse drawn streetcar.  You might even catch a whiff of fresh baked cookies.  However that scent of cookies you're smelling is actually piped in through vents.  This is just one detail that many don't notice throughout this section of the park.  As you walk towards the castle you won't even notice that you are walking uphill.  You are actually on the second story of the park.  The first story are the underground utilidors, and underground network of tunnels for employees of the park.  Another detail you may not notice, but should appreciate, is the contrast of color between the sidewalk and grass.  The color of the concrete used throughout the park was specially created by the Kodak company to enhance the look of your photos.

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